Lam. 3:21-23 – ‘…But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope:
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
His mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
great is Your faithfulness.’ (ESV)

It’s a new year!

It is definitely exciting to be blessed to see it. If you are like me—a human, you have probably experienced some highs and lows this past year, and the thought of a new year is one filled with pleasing prospects and wide-eyed dreams. Some of you probably have a list of new year resolutions and your resolve is holding steady, with the new year countdown still ringing in your ears. For most, however, might I be bold enough to confess on our behalf that we are wary of the sneaking anxieties that cause our vision for the year to lack clear focus?

I point to myself as an example; I have aspirations in the areas of family, ministry, friendships and my career for this year, but these aspirations are threatened by mountains that seem to rise the more I dwell on them. It seems as if for the one answer I am able to provide, ten more spring up in its place.

If this is something you can relate to, then fret not, you are in good company.

With the vast amount of sermons, books, lectures, discussions and Scriptures I’ve interacted with on the subject of man’s anxiety and God’s sovereignty, I would have thought that I would stop being anxious, stop being fearful, and just trust in my God who has shown Himself to be faithful again, and again, and again. But no. Often times I feel like a cute, furry hamster in its wheel—running oh so hard, but going nowhere fast.

All is not lost though! Looking back at this past year, I am encouraged that I have not been running in place. There has been progress—one of which being how I deal with anxieties and fears.

I will share two things I have found to be a mercy in my life when dealing with fears and anxieties, and how you can partake in these mercies in the year ahead.

The Mercy of God in His Word

Ps. 94:19 – ‘When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Your consolations delight my soul.’ (NASB, emphasis added)

I like how the psalmist says, “when,” implying that it was expected. Life is filled with many challenges, and the weight of it can be a hard burden to bear. But for the child of God, there is a storehouse of comfort that can be drawn upon in our low times. His Word informs us of truths and realities that help shape our perspective of whatever we are facing. We find promises of His help (Ps. 91:14-16), His strength (Isa. 40:29), His guidance (Ps. 32:8; Prov. 3:5-7), and His wisdom (Jas. 1:5), to name a few. All of these are secondary to the revelation of His Son, who died on your behalf to purchase for you a salvation and a future hope (1 Pet. 1:17-21)—this encourages us that no matter what might happen in our immediate futures, our eternity is secure in Christ, if indeed you put your trust in Him.

The Mercy of God in Prayer

If you are a child of God, you are instructed to ‘give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you’ (1 Pet. 5:7, NLT). The mercy of God in prayer cannot be overstated. To have an audience with the God of all creation is a privilege given to His people, whereby we can go boldly before the ‘throne of grace so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.’ (Heb. 4:16, NASB)
God has an ‘open door’ policy when it comes to prayer, and I am often reminded how freely we can draw near to Him:

‘…I will call on God, and the LORD will rescue me. Morning, noon, and night I cry out in my distress, and the LORD hears my voice.’ (Ps. 55:16-17, NLT)

One of the passages of Scripture I have come to treasure over the years is Phil. 4:6-7:

‘Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.’ (NKJV)

I have come to be convinced that this passage would probably be better read as, ‘Do not continue to be anxious about anything’. We cannot control the circumstances we face in life, and so trying times will inevitably come our way. When they come our way, however, rather than continuing to be anxious and worrying, we are called to bring our requests before Him and be kept by His peace.

What is the Application?

I do not know what creeping fears you might have invading your mind and your heart, neither do I know what obstacles lay ahead of you in this new year; however, I don’t think I have to know. God is the same regardless of your circumstances, and His mercies are new every morning, not to talk about every year.
Don’t be overcome by your fears, but rather rest in the caring hands of a powerful God. If you don’t know Him, I would encourage you to seek His face today and get to know the sweet fellowship of the Lord Jesus Christ. And if you do know Him, then keep your eyes fixed on Him; let your worldview be informed by the Word of God, and do not let anything break your communion with God in prayer, for no matter how big the mountain is, it can never be bigger than God.

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